Illinois Central College offers the education you need to begin a new career or start your pathway to a four-year college or university. Write your own success story at ICC through 150+ programs of study, small class sizes, caring faculty, and plenty of opportunities to be involved on campus. Get started today at
(see more)Illinois Central College offers the education you need to begin a new career or start your pathway to a four-year college or university. Write your own success story at ICC through 150+ programs of study, small class sizes, caring faculty, and plenty of opportunities to be involved on campus. Get started today at
ICC Livestock Judging Team Wins Big at National Contest
Illinois Central College congratulates its Livestock Judging Team under the direction of AIT Professor Grant Grebner for team and individual placements at the Aksarben Stockshow Judging Contest held on September 24, 2023. Team Hightlights: High Team Cattle 3rd Team Reasons 3rd Team Overall Individual Highlights: Dalton Walter--High Individual Cattle, 4th Individual Overall Elyse Dyson--2nd Individual Cattle, 10th Individual Swine Chloe Boitnott--5th Individual Cattle Cole Tobey--6th Individual Cattle Talena Sprecher--6th Individual Cattle Freshman Division

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2023 Oct 23
Outstanding Student Organization Officer
Won Outstanding Student Organization Officer for her contribution as Vice-President of Sigma Kappa Delta

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2021 May 7
Outstanding First-Year Member
Won Outstanding First-Year Member for her involvement and contributions to Sigma Kappa Delta, Phi Beta Lambda, and Student Government Association.

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2021 May 7

Outstanding Student Organization Officer
Named Outstanding Student Organization Officer for her contributions as President of Sigma Kappa Delta.

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2021 May 7
ICC Livestock Judging Team Takes Home 1st Place in 2020 Iowa Beef Expo
The ICC Livestock Judging Team brought home 1st place at the 2020 Iowa Beef Expo judging contest in Des Moines, Iowa, on Feb. 9. ICC was named the High Team Overall, High Team in the Placings Division, and the 2nd High Team in the Reasons Division. Congratulations to all!

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2020 Feb 26
ICC Livestock Judging Team Takes Home High Honors in 2019 Iowa Beef Expo
The ICC Livestock Judging Team brought home high honors at the 2019 Iowa Beef Expo judging contest in Des Moines, Iowa, on Feb. 9. ICC was named the High Team Overall after winning the reasons division and receiving a runner up designation in the placings division. The team was anchored strong individual performances as well. Congratulations!

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2019 Feb 18
ICC Recognizes Student Organization Participants for Fall 2017
ICC recognizes students who participated in Student Organizations beginning in the Fall 2017 semester.

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2018 Jan 23
ICC Students Compete at Premier Stockman Livestock Judging Contest
ICC Livestock Judging Team competed at the 24th Annual Premier Stockman Livestock Judging Contest on Sat., October 21 in Frankfort, Ind.

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2017 Oct 25
ICC Livestock Judging Team Competes Nationally
The ICC Livestock Judging Team competed at the Collegiate Livestock Judging Competition at the National Western Stock Show on Jan. 17 and 18, 2019, in Denver, Colo.

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2019 Jan 28
Congratulations to ICC Phi Beta Lambda 2017 National Leadership Conference Attendees
Illinois Central College's Phi Beta Lambda members who placed 1st or 2nd in their competitive events at the State Leadership Conference in April advanced to the National Leadership Conference held on June 24 - 27 in Anaheim, California. There were approximately 2,000 attendees who competed in events, attended leadership workshops led by business professionals from companies such as Amazon and Solomon Wilkins International, and voted for regional and national officers.

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2017 Jul 18

Illinois Central College Announces 2016-17 Livestock Judging Team Members
These sophomore students will represent Illinois Central College at local, state and national livestock judging contests during the fall and spring semesters. Students in competition will evaluate classes of livestock on both phenotype (how the animals look) and genotype (an animal's genetic capabilities) and compare them to an "ideal". The students are scored on how closely they rank the animals to an official placing. In addition, the students give oral reasons to contest officials to justify their placings. These reasons are scored as well and help students sharpen their critical thinking skills and communication ability.

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2016 Aug 26
ICC Student Natalie Burmood Elected Phi Beta Lambda's VP of Programs
ICC Student Natalie Burmood recently was elected Vice President of Programs for 2016-17 at the 2016 State Leadership Conference held in Effingham, Ill.

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2016 Jul 27
ICC Livestock Judging Team Wins National Honors
The ICC Livestock Judging Team recently placed third in the collegiate division of the National Swine Registry Picture Judging Contest sponsored by the National Swine Registry in West Lafayette, Ind..

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2016 Apr 27
ICC Speech Team Earns Silver Medal, Several Individual Awards in National Speech Tournament
ICC Speech Team earned a Silver Medal in Team Sweepstakes, as well as several individual awards at the Phi Rho Pi national speech tournament for community colleges April 6-11 in Cleveland, Ohio.

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2015 Apr 23