Illinois Central College offers the education you need to begin a new career or start your pathway to a four-year college or university. Write your own success story at ICC through 150+ programs of study, small class sizes, caring faculty, and plenty of opportunities to be involved on campus. Get started today at
(see more)Illinois Central College offers the education you need to begin a new career or start your pathway to a four-year college or university. Write your own success story at ICC through 150+ programs of study, small class sizes, caring faculty, and plenty of opportunities to be involved on campus. Get started today at
ICC Livestock Judging Team Earns High Honors at National Showcase
The ICC Livestock Judging Team recently returned from the 2015 National Barrow Show in Austin, Minn. with high honors.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Sep 22
ICC Studio consultants named for Fall 2015
Illinois Central College is pleased to announce its Studio consultants for fall 2015. Consultants are chosen through a rigorous application and interview process, and successfully complete thorough job training. They assist ICC students of all majors with all forms of composition.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Sep 29
ICC Livestock Judging Team Announces Sophomore Members for 2015-16
ICC announces the names of eight students competing as sophomores on the Livestock Judging Team for 2015-16.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Sep 4
ICC Presents 2015 Outstanding Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Program Grads
The Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (DPET) Program at Illinois Central College annually presents its Outstanding Graduate Award based on technical scholastic achievement, community and college activities, work ethic, internship performance, communications ability, leadership, diagnostic skills, professionalism, and ability to work with others.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Jul 8

ICC Student Develops Website for Library's One Book, One College Event
Hjalte Nerdrum developed the website for the 2015 One Book, One College event, "Quest for the Hidden Egg." Hjalte began work on the website as part of an internship class in the fall of 2014 and continued to develop the website until it was successfully completed in the spring. ICC librarians noted his professionalism and creativity during the development process and his significant contributions to making the event a success. Congratulations!

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Apr 23

Congratulations to ICC's Comm 212 Students Participating in Mission: Possible
Comm 212 students recently participated in a special public speaking and service-learning experience for Illinois Central College. Students from Joe Chianakas' Comm 212 class, in conjunction with Student Leadership and Engagement, created a special event entitled, "Mission: Possible," which included a series of team-building activities designed to promote leadership skills. The activities were presented in the student lounge to a variety of students, faculty and staff.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Apr 23
ICC Comm 212 Public Speaking Students Earn Recognition for Excellence in Public Speaking
Illinois Central College's Comm 212 Public Speaking class students recently were recognized by their peers for excellence in public speaking.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Mar 27
ICC's Comm 212 Public Speaking Students Recognized for Inspiring Others
ICC's Comm 212 Public Speaking class recently chose two peers they most admired, based on their enthusiasm, creativity and inspiration to others.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Feb 24
Students in ICC's Comm 212 Public Speaking Class Offer Personal Messages of Inspiration to High School Students
Several students in ICC's Public Speaking course offered their own personal stories of inspiration recently at an inspirational event at Metamora High School.

Achievement (Other) -
2015 Jan 23

ICC Studio consultants named for Fall 2014
Illinois Central College is pleased to announce its Studio consultants for fall 2014. Consultants are chosen through a rigorous application and interview process, and successfully complete thorough job training. They assist ICC students of all majors with all forms of composition.

Achievement (Other) -
2014 Sep 29
ICC Diesel Power Outstanding Graduate
The Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (DPET) Program at Illinois Central College annually presents its Oustanding Graduate Award based on technical scholastic achievement, community and college activities, work ethic, internship performance, communications ability, diagnostic skills, professionalism, and ability to work with others.

Achievement (Other) -
2014 Jul 1

College for Kids Teachers Preparing for Summer Program
Local educators are preparing for this summer's College for Kids program offered by Illinois Central College, East Peoria. College for Kids offers fun and educational classes on a wide variety of topics. The program is open to students in fourth through tenth grades, and classes meet on the East Peoria Campus. One session meets June 11 - 21, and another session meets July 9 - 19.
Area teachers are listed below with their courses:

Achievement (Other) -
2012 May 23
Local ICC Students to Present at National Online Writing Conference
Five student writing consultants from Illinois Central College were selected to present at the International Writing Center Association Conference called "Writing Centers in the Two-Year College" set for Feb. 6 - 10. The online conference focuses specifically on writing centers in two-year colleges. Area students selected include:

Achievement (Other) -
2012 Jan 30
Area Students Selected to Honors Program at Illinois Central College
The following area students were selected to participate in the Honors Program at Illinois Central College, East Peoria, for the 2011-12 academic year:

Achievement (Other) -
2011 Sep 20

Local Residents Serve on 2011 Green Expo Planning Team
Plans are underway for the 2011 Central Illinois Green Expo to be held September 9 & 10 at the Illinois Central College East Peoria Campus. Local members of the planning committee, include:

Achievement (Other) -
2011 Aug 15

Local Students Earn Academic Honors at Illinois Central College
Illinois Central College, East Peoria, released the names of students who earned academic honors during the Spring 2011 semester. The following local students received the honor:

Achievement (Other) -
2011 Jul 12

College for Kids Teachers Preparing for Summer Program
Local educators are preparing for this summer's College for Kids program offered by Illinois Central College, East Peoria. College for Kids offers fun and educational classes on a wide variety of topics. The program is open to students in fourth through tenth grades, and classes meet on the East Peoria Campus. One session meets June 13 - 23, and another session meets July 11 - 21.
Area teachers are listed below with their courses:

Achievement (Other) -
2011 May 25
ICC Presents Faculty Awards
Illinois Central College, East Peoria, recently presented faculty awards to teachers who excelled in the classroom. The awards were presented based on student nominations.
These faculty members were honored:

Achievement (Other) -
2011 May 18